Club News

July 2024 Club News

July 2024 Club News

Hey, it’s Vicki with the Animal Explorers Club!  We’ve got wild learning about reptiles all summer long at the Animal Explorers Club!  What animals will we be learning about next?  Keep...

July 2024 Club News

Hey, it’s Vicki with the Animal Explorers Club!  We’ve got wild learning about reptiles all summer long at the Animal Explorers Club!  What animals will we be learning about next?  Keep...

June 2024 Club News

June 2024 Club News

Hey, it’s Vicki with the Animal Explorers Club!  We’ve got wild learning all summer long at the Animal Explorers Club!  Did you know we provide live educational programs to many summer...

June 2024 Club News

Hey, it’s Vicki with the Animal Explorers Club!  We’ve got wild learning all summer long at the Animal Explorers Club!  Did you know we provide live educational programs to many summer...

May 2024 Club News

May 2024 Club News

Hey, it’s Vicki with the Animal Explorers Club!  Who is looking forward to summer?  Yes, school is almost out and summer will be here before you know it!  We’ve got wild...

May 2024 Club News

Hey, it’s Vicki with the Animal Explorers Club!  Who is looking forward to summer?  Yes, school is almost out and summer will be here before you know it!  We’ve got wild...

April 2024 Club News

April 2024 Club News

Hey, it’s Vicki with the Animal Explorers Club!  Who watched the Solar Eclipse last Monday?  Even our animal friends at our family zoo were ready for this spectacular event!  Read More to...

April 2024 Club News

Hey, it’s Vicki with the Animal Explorers Club!  Who watched the Solar Eclipse last Monday?  Even our animal friends at our family zoo were ready for this spectacular event!  Read More to...

March 2024 Club News

March 2024 Club News

Hey, it’s Vicki with the Animal Explorers Club!  Have you been tuning in to Wild Wednesdays for our Facebook LIVE events?  If not, please join us every Wednesday at 6 pm...

March 2024 Club News

Hey, it’s Vicki with the Animal Explorers Club!  Have you been tuning in to Wild Wednesdays for our Facebook LIVE events?  If not, please join us every Wednesday at 6 pm...

February 2024 Club News

February 2024 Club News

Hey, it’s Vicki with the Animal Explorers Club!  The groundhog saw his shadow so hopefully it will be an early Spring this year!  Actually, it’s been a pretty mild winter here...

February 2024 Club News

Hey, it’s Vicki with the Animal Explorers Club!  The groundhog saw his shadow so hopefully it will be an early Spring this year!  Actually, it’s been a pretty mild winter here...